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guilty feeling中文是什么意思

用"guilty feeling"造句"guilty feeling"怎么读"guilty feeling" in a sentence


  • 罪恶感
  • "guilty"中文翻译    adj. 1.有罪的,犯了错误的。 2.自觉有罪的,内疚 ...
  • "feeling"中文翻译    n. 1.感触,感觉;知觉。 2.〔常 pl.〕 感情, ...
  • "feeling of guilty" 中文翻译 :    罪恶感
  • "be guilty of" 中文翻译 :    对------感到内疚,犯----的罪; 犯有…罪或过失; 有...之罪
  • "guilty" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.有罪的,犯了错误的。 2.自觉有罪的,内疚的。 guilty behaviour 犯罪行为。 have a guilty conscience 自疚,问心有愧。 wear a guilty look 露出内疚的神色。 be found guilty 被判决有罪。 be guilty of 犯…罪(be guilty of murder 犯杀人罪)。 be inwardly guilty 理亏心虚。 guilty of death 〔古语〕应处死刑。 plead not guilty 不服罪。
  • "guilty of" 中文翻译 :    对..感到内疚; 犯(罪等); 犯了罪; 犯了...罪,对...感到内疚; 有过失,内疚; 有罪的,内疚的
  • "guilty or not" 中文翻译 :    火遮眼; 是否有罪
  • "not guilty" 中文翻译 :    说被告无罪; 无罪
  • "the guilty" 中文翻译 :    法网杀机
  • "feeling" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.感触,感觉;知觉。 2.〔常 pl.〕 感情,心情,情绪。 3.同情,怜悯,体谅。 4.(对艺术等的)感受,敏感,鉴赏力。 5.恶感,反感。 6.看法,感想,(对市场行情的)预感。 7.气氛,(艺术品的)情调。 speak with feelings 带着感情说。 hurt sb.'s feelings 伤人感情。 8.事物给人的感觉。 good[ill] feeling 好感[恶感]。 a man of fine feeling 会体谅人的人。 a man of feeling 易于伤感[富有同情心]的人。 a man without any feelings 毫无感情的人。 Monday feeling 不爱工作的情绪。 public feeling 人心。 No hard feelings. 没有恶意。 appeal to sb.'s better feelings 诉诸某人的良心。 be dead [lost] to all feeling 麻木不仁。 enter into sb.'s feelings 表同情,体谅。 entertain a feeling against sb. 对某人怀恨在心。 have a feeling for 对于…有一种体会 (She has a deep feeling for beauty in nature. 她对大自然的美有很深的感受力)。 have a feeling of [that] 觉得。 have mixed feelings 悲喜交集。 have no feeling for 对…不同情。 one's better feelings 良心,天良。 relieve one's feeling 发泄感情,泄愤。 show much feeling for 对…大表同情。 adj. 1.富于感情的;富于同情心的。 2.衷心的。 3.动人的。 4.表达感情的。 a feeling story 动人的故事。 a feeling heart 多情善感。 a feeling glance 含情脉脉的一瞥。 in a feeling way 富有感情[同情]地,谆谆地,恳切地。 adj. -ful 充满感情的。 adj. -less 1. 没有感情的。 2. 没有知觉的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
  • "feeling into" 中文翻译 :    情感移入
  • "the feeling" 中文翻译 :    情感天空
  • "a plea of not guilty" 中文翻译 :    不认罪的答辩
  • "be found guilty" 中文翻译 :    被判决有罪
  • "be guilty of a crime" 中文翻译 :    承认犯了罪
  • "be guilty of a liberty" 中文翻译 :    放诞无礼
  • "be guilty of heresy" 中文翻译 :    犯异端邪说罪
  • "be guilty of murder" 中文翻译 :    犯谋杀罪
  • "be guilty of perjury" 中文翻译 :    犯有伪证罪
  • "blood guilty" 中文翻译 :    adj. 杀过人的;犯杀人罪的。
  • "bring in guilty" 中文翻译 :    陪审团判定有罪
  • "doubly guilty" 中文翻译 :    罪加一等; 罪上加罪, 重罪
  • "feel guilty" 中文翻译 :    感到内疚
  • "feel guilty for" 中文翻译 :    对……感到有犯罪感
  • "find guilty" 中文翻译 :    查明有罪, 裁决有罪


  • The so - called good woman was thus relieved of her guilty feelings and that was great
  • Several years have passed since the traffic accident , and he still can ' t shake away the guilty feeling
  • When we achieve something or feel happy , our attainments can dissolve and melt away our guilty feelings
  • Had the man continually complained about his guilty feelings , it would not have helped in any way . who would it have helped
  • It s not that others don t forgive us , but that we re pressured to death by our own guilty feelings . hell is created in this way
  • Or , some people have serious guilty feelings and so they want to come back to repay their debts . however , we no longer have karma
  • In a western movie entitled " what dreams may come " , the main character chris s wife annie was deeply engrossed in her own guilty feelings , thinking that she was responsible for the accidental death of their son and daughter
  • We have not yet erased our guilty feelings , or cleared up our preconceptions and ignorance . being still very narrow - minded , we cannot tolerate many people . our love is still too insignificant to love a lot of people
  • As long as you have sincerely repented for the past , resolved to improve yourself , tried to make up for your mistakes , and are determined not to violate the precepts again , then it is not necessary to blame yourself and have guilty feelings anymore
  • We spiritual practitioners also have to follow some secret guidelines , for instance , being a vegetarian to keep our body , speech and mind pure . free from the annoyance of subtle guilty feelings , our conscience will be at peace
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"guilty feeling"造句  


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